Saturday, September 19, 2015

MUST READ :Tips To Prolong Your Android Battery Life

Android phones are the most populous phones in circulation which could be sectioned into high end phones, budget phones and low end phones. No matter the grade of the phone, everybody’s aim is to prolong their battery life on a single charge.

The following are Tips To Prolong Your Android Battery Life

1. Don’t Use Auto-brightness

As convenient as this sounds, it is usually way brighter than you really need. Manually set your screen brightness and adjust when necessary. It tops this list because your screen is the biggest battery sucker.

2. Use a dark colored background

If your phone has an AMOLED screen (most Samsung’s), endeavor to use a dark color for your background because an AMOLED screen only illuminate colored pixels whereas black pixels doesn’t illuminate and they are unlit. The darker the background, the darker the pixels and the less energy required to illuminate them.

3. Reduce screen timeout

Always set your screen timeout to the shortest time as possible. A smartphone is used at an average of 150 times a day. You could try setting your timeout to 15 seconds or less but setting your timeout to a minute equals using four times the amount of energy required to power on your smartphone.

4. Turn off Connectivities when not in use

Though you need to be connected but you really don’t need to be connected always. Turn off connections such as GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi and mobile data when not in use. You can also change your mobile data from 3G to 2G as the later doesn’t consume much energy when compared to the former.

5. Turn off Smart Features when not in Use

Even though you own a smartphone, but be aware of the fact that the smarter your phone, the more energy required to keep it smart. Turn off smart features such as Air gestures, Smart scrolling, Smart pause and stay when not in use.

6. Turn off vibrations and haptic feedbacks

You should reduce your vibration intensity if that feature is available on your phone as you don’t need the excess vibration intensity because it is only going to consume more battery for a feature you are not using. Also turn off haptic feedback as you really don’t need your phone vibrating and making sounds when operating it as you can do away with such feature.

7. Activate Power Saving Mode

It is right there on your phone for a reason so don’t neglect its existence. Activating this feature will help you squeeze out extra juice from your battery life which could amount to some minutes and sometimes couple of hours.

If you are using a smartphone that has an Ultra-Power saving mode feature, you should enable that feature when you observe you are running low on juice and you need to save your battery for an important use.

Trying out all the tips listed above will help go a long way in squeezing extra juice for your device when applied.

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