The forceful entry and breaking into of the homes of sitting justices of the Supreme Court and High Court judges by operatives of the DSS and Nigerian police which are both under the Federal Executive Arm of government must be condemned by all lovers of freedom and democracy.
You can not throw away the basic elements of democracy under the guise of anti graft war as any fight against corruption outside the ambit of the law is in itself corruption and must not be tolerated. Where then is seperation of powers, due process and fundamental human rights? You may have your own opinion, but I will not standby and watch my country turn into a police state under any guise.
I do not condone corruption. Those who know me pretty well know my stand on such issue. But the rebuttable presumption of innocence is available to every no matter their standing in the society and their political affiliations. You can not fight lawlessness with lawlessness. If you feel the laws are faulty, then the first duty is changing the laws than taking it into your hands for that is only done in the state of nature where life is solitary, nasty, brutish and short.
First, it was refusal to honour bail grants. Later, a god forsaken anti social media bill almost scaling through the National Assembly but for civil liberty organisations who drew attention. Then prosecution of high ranking members of the Legislative Arms, then the sudden decision to drop charges. Now it is the invasion of the homes of high ranking judicial officers and the assault of a sitting governor with the threat to shoot. Where is seperation of powers and federalism? As high ranking public officers, these justices and judges have no where to run to. Have they been invited and investigated? If no, why not do so? If yes, why not detain them on honouring the invitation if the fear that they may abscond exist rather than lay siege on their homes and harassing their family members? Why the invasion in ungodly hours? What are the duties of the National Judicial Commission (NJC) if judicial officials are now to be indicted by DSS and police before the disciplinary measures, indictment and recommendations for the removal of such judicial officers by the NJC to the Executive Arm?
We must be mindful that Nigeria is too delicate and diverse to play any sort of pranks as the resultant effect will be alarming for the entire nation. If democracy can not work in Nigeria, then no form of dictatorship camouflaged under democracy will work.
You may opt to live in a police state. Go find one as there exist a few but no one should attempt to turn Nigeria into a police state in a 21st century. I am Democrat and I uphold the tenets of constitutional democracy; for to live under fear and terror does not amount to honest obedience of the same rules which the people who enforce these rules outside established principles are also guilty of violating but no one dares question as they hold the sledge hammer. God bless Nigeria.
Collins Maidoh writes from the Faculty of Law, University of Abuja
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