The government was afraid, the people were afraid, you see people fear what they do
not understand, one of humanities evolutionary flaws developed to survive the
unknown. What were they afraid of, me, ordinary little me.
My name is Vincent Ugwumezuru Mark, I am a scientist, or at least I was as my
license has officially been suspended by and in all twenty one alliance states that are
signatories to the preservation of humanity treaty and the other remaining alliance
states on earth were too technologically backward and in the dark ages for me to go
there and continue my work. To make things worse, I had been prohibited by all six
alliance states with near light speed transport technology from boarding a vessel leaving
the planet for the free humanoid settlement of mars and by the technology I have at my
disposal which I salvaged from the old NASA, it would take me seven months, twenty
one days and eleven hours to get to mars, assuming they do not shoot my craft down,
that was time I did not have and a risk I could not take. So what did I do or what am I
doing that has solicited humanities fear, well to explain that, I would have to delve into
the not so distant past.
I was five years old when it happened, but I will always remember it like it was
yesterday, the revolution that changed the world. It was the year twenty-twenty four and
there stood a five year old me in front of our television set in our home in the city
formerly known as Enugu, Presently know as B.Z.A section one sub two but fondly
referred to just as sub two by its inhabitants who were born after the revolution. A
handsome young man as giving a speech on the television and his words resonate forever in the most sacred chambers of my mind. “For almost eight hundred years the
black man has never been of much influence in pivoting the affairs of the human race
into the future, neither has he been able to control his own affairs but rather has been
allowed to exist for the purpose and pleasure of other advanced races, but all that
changes today. I declare into being the democratic scientific republic of Biafra, a nation
that shall be dedicated to the discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge in
all its forms for the enlightenment of its populace ad humanity at large. No longer shall
we be held back by the chains of ignorance which limited us to conventional ways. To
my fellow countrymen and women, I bid you to be free and pursue advancement, to the
rest of the world, come with us or leave us be, but do not try to stop us. Welcome to the
He had done the impossible establishing a state which the world powers of that time
had unanimously agreed would be against their economic interests.
The young man was David azuka, the founding father of our alliance state, a computer
engineer by training and a man of many gifts, some event called him a savant. He was
also a man who cared about his people and this care drove him to action in the midst of
the Hausa Fulani massacre of his people, an off shoot of the twenty twenty three
election crises. With his abilities, he created a computer virus which was launched unto
the servers of the world bank’s computer mainframe, the function of this virus was to
deduct one dollar every week from every account in the world bank for a period of
eleven months, he needed to be financially ready because the last person who tried this
before him lieutenant colonel ojukwu was not financially ready, he failed. A large part of
the funds derived from this endeavor was devoted to the purchase of uranium from the Israeli secret service who in exchange for their assistance demanded a stiff price along
with the cash, one he would pay in the future. Next he assembled and funded the best
of nuclear physicist from among his people. Together they made a nuclear weapon. He
knew that this in itself was not enough, he had to find a way to deal with the world
powers. He sought the assistance of a cousin of he’s who was a micro biologists and
together they invented a biologically engineered virus that could be transfused into the
clouds and spread by rain, which was then put into two drones flown over the skies of
the united state and great Britain undetected by the radar detection system of both
countries which he had hacked into. The drone was impenetrable, try to blow it up and it
releases the virus into the clouds, try to hack its control system and it releases the virus,
only he could control it from his laptop. He knew the Russians would not respond nicely
to threats, so he sent an emissary, a woman, with mind altering and controlling
nanomites to Russia and through some less than moral means got them into vladmir
putins body. From the comfort of his home he accessed the nanomites signal and
controlled Putin to pledge his support for the new nation, so with a nuclear weapon to
threaten the northerners and ensure the safe return of his people, a virus to threaten
great Britain and the united states and the support of Putin, he declared the new nation,
changing Africa and the world with just a laptop.
True to his word he encouraged freedom and knowledge, stepping down after four
years in power and allowing for free elections, surprising the world as everyone
expected him to become a dictator. He them went ahead to form black Zion, his nations
intelligence agency which would later grow in notoriety to exceed mossad itself however
he still owed mossad a debt , for their initial help , he had promised them the best graduating students from all the science course in his country, their youthful minds were
battered for past help. However black Zion did go places, creating an alliance of over
thirty countries with a black majority population, this alliance involved even non African
countries like Haiti and Jamaica. This alliance was known as the black Zion alliance
which later gave birth to the black Zion alliance state. For nine years after the revolution
there was peace, then Putin died. The next leader of Russia was not to supportive of
the Britain republic and so war ensued.
It was a war of scientist’s and it was brutal. The Biafran Republic steadily inventing new
scientific ways to achieve desolation and the Russians trailing not far behind, to survive
countries were slowly replaced by alliances, soon the world was made of twenty five
alliance states with their territories spread sparsely across the world. This is where I
come in.
I was fourteen when the war started and I got on my governments radar for
inventing an enzyme that counteracted lactic acid. Lactic acid is what creates the feeling
of tiredness, so with my invention the black zion alliance as it was later called created
soldiers who never got tired. By the time I was nineteen I had invented a method of
automatic data imputation into brain, replacing the process of reading or learning as
what would take you two hours to read could be uploaded into your brain in fourteen
seconds. This obviously changed the television and film industries mode of business as
people stopped watching and began uploading movies into their brains. At this point I
was appointed as my countries youngest director of its department of bio-tech research,
in one year of holding office, I invented the singular nutrition capsule. A pill which is
taken once a day which contained all necessary nutrients for human growth and survival and soothed the enzymes of the stomach, replacing the need to eat food. This invention
threw the Agricultural sector into disarray.
At this point the war had gotten so bad that portions of the world had been
rendered uninhabitable by weapons of both sides. The preservation of humanity
treaty was a bi-product of a united attempt to prevent the extinction of the human race
as the earth was getting uninhabitable and people were relocating to the humanoid
settlement of mars founded and governed by a visionary called Ellon Musk, he only
permitted minds he approved of to stay on mars. The preservation of humanity treaty
forbade any scientific invention that will threaten the existence of the human race, but
how is my invention threatening the human race.
I had always loved my mum, and if it was possible and if I was a being fascinated by
sexual activity, I would have had inter-course with my mum, that was how much I loved
her, I know this sounds repulsive but luckily for me I was born without an interest in sex,
I found the act disgusting and unsanitary so you can imagine my sadness and grief
when as I turned twenty one, she died I had her body frozen in a cryogenic chamber
while I invested all my time into working on a cure, but as you can all guess there is no
cure for death, so I decided to do the next best thing re-make my mother. I got in touch
with masahashi, a Tokyo based scientist who had made head ways in inventing the
singularity, a way of uploading a human mind unto a computer forever. I got him
working on an A.I version of my mother’s mind, while I engaged myself in the 3D
printing of her cells, flesh and bone in seven months her body was ready and with the
help of masahashi, I uploaded the operational matrix of my mother´s mind into her
newly printed body, and she came to life, my mum, or the version of her I had invented word of this invention got out to the world council on scientific security and I was called
before it. They deemed my invention dangerous and capable of creating a species that
could wipe out humanity, small minded fucks they are, but they banned my work.
After getting home from the councils summon, I removed my hover shoe’s and told my
predicament to my mother “this people are myopic” I said to her, “they are trying to limit
knowledge and science, the very value’s on which David Azuka built this country”. “I
know” she replied, “but I want you to lay low for a while for your own safety, I love you
and I want nothing bad to happen to you”. “but mum if I lay low they will take you away
and disassemble you, I am going to at least make a legal appeal” I said to her, ending
the conversation. I consulted my mobile lawyer application, this was an software
application that put lawyers all over the world out of business. It was invented by a law
student from my alliance state who was expelled from law school for a thing as trivial as
improper dressing. He spent the next five years inventing a system application which
contained an algorithm that could assemble all statutes laws and judicial precedence
across the world, and solve legal problems based and the case facts imputed into it. It
also contained a holographic representation of a person, coupled with voice function so
all you had to do was input the fact of your case into it, it would come up with an
articulate legal solution, then you connect the application from your device to the courts
computer system and a holographic lawyer represented you, needless to say it was
better than the real lawyers. My mobile lawyer application politely told me that there was
no legal recourse for me and that the preservation of humanity treaty was the most
supreme law on earth of which violating it would lead to my execution So I asked myself, if my role model David Azuka was in this situation, what would he do,
he would not just roll over easily and accept defeat. So I appealed for one last hearing
with the world council on scientific security and it was granted. My case was a high
profile one so I knew that all of it’s members, or at least all that mattered would be at my
appeal hearing and as I predicted they were all there. The first to speak was the prima
council man “Vincent I believe your case is a settled one, we cannot allow you to
proceed with your invention, your science practicing license has been suspended and
this suspension will not be revoked anytime soon, but you are a smart man so I believe
you already know this, so why did you call for this appeal” He said in his thick irish
accent. “to save the world” I said. “I know you all may think that I am delusional, but I
know that what I see is clear. If your short memories will allow you to remember the
words of Oscar wide, he said that in the eyes of anyone that has read history, rebellion
and disobedience are our original virtue and throughout history it has been proven that
it was through rebellion and disobedience that human progress was made” “ what is the
point of your argument” the councilman to the immediate left of the prima said,
displaying obvious signs of impatience. “ the point is, it is my duty to stop you all from
preventing human progress, I know not how history will remember this act, but as the
leader of the japanese red brigade in world war two said, one man’s terrorist is another
man’s freedom fighter”. With that statement I removed a pin from my pocket and
stabbed it into my chest which resulted in an explosion that ended the scientific security
council and all within its wall. I told the story to my mum the next day after she had
watched the news, then explained to her that before I made her, I had made myself, and
convinced myself that he had to die for the greater good. He then hid explosives inside his body where it would be undetectable, counting on the fact that all or almost all the
members of the council would be there. “you scared me” she said “ I thought you were
dead”. So after everything I said you still disobeyed me”. “well mum, think of it this way,
quantum mechanics as a theory propagates that there exists as infinite number of
universes in which an infinite number of me and you exist in them. I am sure in one of
those universes, I obeyed you”.
Ufomba Azuka Ufomba is a sound brilliant student of the Law Students Association of Nigeria, University of Abuja Chapter.
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