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Sunday, February 5, 2017
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Monday, November 7, 2016
The government was afraid, the people were afraid, you see people fear what they do
not understand, one of humanities evolutionary flaws developed to survive the
unknown. What were they afraid of, me, ordinary little me.
My name is Vincent Ugwumezuru Mark, I am a scientist, or at least I was as my
license has officially been suspended by and in all twenty one alliance states that are
signatories to the preservation of humanity treaty and the other remaining alliance
states on earth were too technologically backward and in the dark ages for me to go
there and continue my work. To make things worse, I had been prohibited by all six
alliance states with near light speed transport technology from boarding a vessel leaving
the planet for the free humanoid settlement of mars and by the technology I have at my
disposal which I salvaged from the old NASA, it would take me seven months, twenty
one days and eleven hours to get to mars, assuming they do not shoot my craft down,
that was time I did not have and a risk I could not take. So what did I do or what am I
doing that has solicited humanities fear, well to explain that, I would have to delve into
the not so distant past.
I was five years old when it happened, but I will always remember it like it was
yesterday, the revolution that changed the world. It was the year twenty-twenty four and
there stood a five year old me in front of our television set in our home in the city
formerly known as Enugu, Presently know as B.Z.A section one sub two but fondly
referred to just as sub two by its inhabitants who were born after the revolution. A
handsome young man as giving a speech on the television and his words resonate forever in the most sacred chambers of my mind. “For almost eight hundred years the
black man has never been of much influence in pivoting the affairs of the human race
into the future, neither has he been able to control his own affairs but rather has been
allowed to exist for the purpose and pleasure of other advanced races, but all that
changes today. I declare into being the democratic scientific republic of Biafra, a nation
that shall be dedicated to the discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge in
all its forms for the enlightenment of its populace ad humanity at large. No longer shall
we be held back by the chains of ignorance which limited us to conventional ways. To
my fellow countrymen and women, I bid you to be free and pursue advancement, to the
rest of the world, come with us or leave us be, but do not try to stop us. Welcome to the
He had done the impossible establishing a state which the world powers of that time
had unanimously agreed would be against their economic interests.
The young man was David azuka, the founding father of our alliance state, a computer
engineer by training and a man of many gifts, some event called him a savant. He was
also a man who cared about his people and this care drove him to action in the midst of
the Hausa Fulani massacre of his people, an off shoot of the twenty twenty three
election crises. With his abilities, he created a computer virus which was launched unto
the servers of the world bank’s computer mainframe, the function of this virus was to
deduct one dollar every week from every account in the world bank for a period of
eleven months, he needed to be financially ready because the last person who tried this
before him lieutenant colonel ojukwu was not financially ready, he failed. A large part of
the funds derived from this endeavor was devoted to the purchase of uranium from the Israeli secret service who in exchange for their assistance demanded a stiff price along
with the cash, one he would pay in the future. Next he assembled and funded the best
of nuclear physicist from among his people. Together they made a nuclear weapon. He
knew that this in itself was not enough, he had to find a way to deal with the world
powers. He sought the assistance of a cousin of he’s who was a micro biologists and
together they invented a biologically engineered virus that could be transfused into the
clouds and spread by rain, which was then put into two drones flown over the skies of
the united state and great Britain undetected by the radar detection system of both
countries which he had hacked into. The drone was impenetrable, try to blow it up and it
releases the virus into the clouds, try to hack its control system and it releases the virus,
only he could control it from his laptop. He knew the Russians would not respond nicely
to threats, so he sent an emissary, a woman, with mind altering and controlling
nanomites to Russia and through some less than moral means got them into vladmir
putins body. From the comfort of his home he accessed the nanomites signal and
controlled Putin to pledge his support for the new nation, so with a nuclear weapon to
threaten the northerners and ensure the safe return of his people, a virus to threaten
great Britain and the united states and the support of Putin, he declared the new nation,
changing Africa and the world with just a laptop.
True to his word he encouraged freedom and knowledge, stepping down after four
years in power and allowing for free elections, surprising the world as everyone
expected him to become a dictator. He them went ahead to form black Zion, his nations
intelligence agency which would later grow in notoriety to exceed mossad itself however
he still owed mossad a debt , for their initial help , he had promised them the best graduating students from all the science course in his country, their youthful minds were
battered for past help. However black Zion did go places, creating an alliance of over
thirty countries with a black majority population, this alliance involved even non African
countries like Haiti and Jamaica. This alliance was known as the black Zion alliance
which later gave birth to the black Zion alliance state. For nine years after the revolution
there was peace, then Putin died. The next leader of Russia was not to supportive of
the Britain republic and so war ensued.
It was a war of scientist’s and it was brutal. The Biafran Republic steadily inventing new
scientific ways to achieve desolation and the Russians trailing not far behind, to survive
countries were slowly replaced by alliances, soon the world was made of twenty five
alliance states with their territories spread sparsely across the world. This is where I
come in.
I was fourteen when the war started and I got on my governments radar for
inventing an enzyme that counteracted lactic acid. Lactic acid is what creates the feeling
of tiredness, so with my invention the black zion alliance as it was later called created
soldiers who never got tired. By the time I was nineteen I had invented a method of
automatic data imputation into brain, replacing the process of reading or learning as
what would take you two hours to read could be uploaded into your brain in fourteen
seconds. This obviously changed the television and film industries mode of business as
people stopped watching and began uploading movies into their brains. At this point I
was appointed as my countries youngest director of its department of bio-tech research,
in one year of holding office, I invented the singular nutrition capsule. A pill which is
taken once a day which contained all necessary nutrients for human growth and survival and soothed the enzymes of the stomach, replacing the need to eat food. This invention
threw the Agricultural sector into disarray.
At this point the war had gotten so bad that portions of the world had been
rendered uninhabitable by weapons of both sides. The preservation of humanity
treaty was a bi-product of a united attempt to prevent the extinction of the human race
as the earth was getting uninhabitable and people were relocating to the humanoid
settlement of mars founded and governed by a visionary called Ellon Musk, he only
permitted minds he approved of to stay on mars. The preservation of humanity treaty
forbade any scientific invention that will threaten the existence of the human race, but
how is my invention threatening the human race.
I had always loved my mum, and if it was possible and if I was a being fascinated by
sexual activity, I would have had inter-course with my mum, that was how much I loved
her, I know this sounds repulsive but luckily for me I was born without an interest in sex,
I found the act disgusting and unsanitary so you can imagine my sadness and grief
when as I turned twenty one, she died I had her body frozen in a cryogenic chamber
while I invested all my time into working on a cure, but as you can all guess there is no
cure for death, so I decided to do the next best thing re-make my mother. I got in touch
with masahashi, a Tokyo based scientist who had made head ways in inventing the
singularity, a way of uploading a human mind unto a computer forever. I got him
working on an A.I version of my mother’s mind, while I engaged myself in the 3D
printing of her cells, flesh and bone in seven months her body was ready and with the
help of masahashi, I uploaded the operational matrix of my mother´s mind into her
newly printed body, and she came to life, my mum, or the version of her I had invented word of this invention got out to the world council on scientific security and I was called
before it. They deemed my invention dangerous and capable of creating a species that
could wipe out humanity, small minded fucks they are, but they banned my work.
After getting home from the councils summon, I removed my hover shoe’s and told my
predicament to my mother “this people are myopic” I said to her, “they are trying to limit
knowledge and science, the very value’s on which David Azuka built this country”. “I
know” she replied, “but I want you to lay low for a while for your own safety, I love you
and I want nothing bad to happen to you”. “but mum if I lay low they will take you away
and disassemble you, I am going to at least make a legal appeal” I said to her, ending
the conversation. I consulted my mobile lawyer application, this was an software
application that put lawyers all over the world out of business. It was invented by a law
student from my alliance state who was expelled from law school for a thing as trivial as
improper dressing. He spent the next five years inventing a system application which
contained an algorithm that could assemble all statutes laws and judicial precedence
across the world, and solve legal problems based and the case facts imputed into it. It
also contained a holographic representation of a person, coupled with voice function so
all you had to do was input the fact of your case into it, it would come up with an
articulate legal solution, then you connect the application from your device to the courts
computer system and a holographic lawyer represented you, needless to say it was
better than the real lawyers. My mobile lawyer application politely told me that there was
no legal recourse for me and that the preservation of humanity treaty was the most
supreme law on earth of which violating it would lead to my execution So I asked myself, if my role model David Azuka was in this situation, what would he do,
he would not just roll over easily and accept defeat. So I appealed for one last hearing
with the world council on scientific security and it was granted. My case was a high
profile one so I knew that all of it’s members, or at least all that mattered would be at my
appeal hearing and as I predicted they were all there. The first to speak was the prima
council man “Vincent I believe your case is a settled one, we cannot allow you to
proceed with your invention, your science practicing license has been suspended and
this suspension will not be revoked anytime soon, but you are a smart man so I believe
you already know this, so why did you call for this appeal” He said in his thick irish
accent. “to save the world” I said. “I know you all may think that I am delusional, but I
know that what I see is clear. If your short memories will allow you to remember the
words of Oscar wide, he said that in the eyes of anyone that has read history, rebellion
and disobedience are our original virtue and throughout history it has been proven that
it was through rebellion and disobedience that human progress was made” “ what is the
point of your argument” the councilman to the immediate left of the prima said,
displaying obvious signs of impatience. “ the point is, it is my duty to stop you all from
preventing human progress, I know not how history will remember this act, but as the
leader of the japanese red brigade in world war two said, one man’s terrorist is another
man’s freedom fighter”. With that statement I removed a pin from my pocket and
stabbed it into my chest which resulted in an explosion that ended the scientific security
council and all within its wall. I told the story to my mum the next day after she had
watched the news, then explained to her that before I made her, I had made myself, and
convinced myself that he had to die for the greater good. He then hid explosives inside his body where it would be undetectable, counting on the fact that all or almost all the
members of the council would be there. “you scared me” she said “ I thought you were
dead”. So after everything I said you still disobeyed me”. “well mum, think of it this way,
quantum mechanics as a theory propagates that there exists as infinite number of
universes in which an infinite number of me and you exist in them. I am sure in one of
those universes, I obeyed you”.
Ufomba Azuka Ufomba is a sound brilliant student of the Law Students Association of Nigeria, University of Abuja Chapter.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Opinion : BREAKING THE SILENCE By Collins Maidoh
The forceful entry and breaking into of the homes of sitting justices of the Supreme Court and High Court judges by operatives of the DSS and Nigerian police which are both under the Federal Executive Arm of government must be condemned by all lovers of freedom and democracy.
You can not throw away the basic elements of democracy under the guise of anti graft war as any fight against corruption outside the ambit of the law is in itself corruption and must not be tolerated. Where then is seperation of powers, due process and fundamental human rights? You may have your own opinion, but I will not standby and watch my country turn into a police state under any guise.
I do not condone corruption. Those who know me pretty well know my stand on such issue. But the rebuttable presumption of innocence is available to every no matter their standing in the society and their political affiliations. You can not fight lawlessness with lawlessness. If you feel the laws are faulty, then the first duty is changing the laws than taking it into your hands for that is only done in the state of nature where life is solitary, nasty, brutish and short.
First, it was refusal to honour bail grants. Later, a god forsaken anti social media bill almost scaling through the National Assembly but for civil liberty organisations who drew attention. Then prosecution of high ranking members of the Legislative Arms, then the sudden decision to drop charges. Now it is the invasion of the homes of high ranking judicial officers and the assault of a sitting governor with the threat to shoot. Where is seperation of powers and federalism? As high ranking public officers, these justices and judges have no where to run to. Have they been invited and investigated? If no, why not do so? If yes, why not detain them on honouring the invitation if the fear that they may abscond exist rather than lay siege on their homes and harassing their family members? Why the invasion in ungodly hours? What are the duties of the National Judicial Commission (NJC) if judicial officials are now to be indicted by DSS and police before the disciplinary measures, indictment and recommendations for the removal of such judicial officers by the NJC to the Executive Arm?
We must be mindful that Nigeria is too delicate and diverse to play any sort of pranks as the resultant effect will be alarming for the entire nation. If democracy can not work in Nigeria, then no form of dictatorship camouflaged under democracy will work.
You may opt to live in a police state. Go find one as there exist a few but no one should attempt to turn Nigeria into a police state in a 21st century. I am Democrat and I uphold the tenets of constitutional democracy; for to live under fear and terror does not amount to honest obedience of the same rules which the people who enforce these rules outside established principles are also guilty of violating but no one dares question as they hold the sledge hammer. God bless Nigeria.
Collins Maidoh writes from the Faculty of Law, University of Abuja
Friday, October 7, 2016
WHO AM I? By Chidiebube Okorie
Do I know myself? Am I whom I think I am? Is my perception of myself determined by others perception of me? Do I try to meet up with the standards others have set? Am I quiet because I know someone quiet I admire or because it's my nature? Am I quiet because I think people will like me more if I'm quiet? What's my definition of Christianity? Is it another man's lifestyle? What if I see Bro XYZ wear a chain? Will that change my opinion on it?
One of the greatest problems of the youth is self discovery and self acceptance. Know yourself. You are an original. Be you. If you think closely, there are NO TWO PEOPLE you view the same way so stop thinking people see you the same way they see ABC. By the way, why bother yourself about how people see you?
You need to define yourself, your personality, your life. You need to know who you are and stop looking elsewhere for a definition of yourself. I need to know me and love me.
You are good and wonderful just the way you are. The only model is Jesus. Stop looking to others for a definition of yourself. You are good.
You have a destiny to fulfil. You won't fulfil it trying to be like somebody else.
- Chidiebube Okorie
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
A MUST READ : Between President Buhari and Peter Obi
By Reno Omokri
Did you listen to our President's broadcast to the nation on October 1st? If you listened to it objectively you must by be wondering if the President and his advisers live in a parallel Nigeria that you can only access from a spiritual portal at Aso Rock Presidential Villa.
Somebody ought to tell President Muhammadu Buhari that it is better to create a life that makes you feel good on the inside than one that makes people impressed with you outside. The reason I say this is because his Independence Day speech appeared to be the work of a man who knows that he has not delivered the goods he promised and yet rather than admit that, he wants to put up a front by painting an imaginary picture of things not as they are but as he wishes them to be.
The President should be made to understand that using lies to lure people into a false state of security is like using a basket to gather water. The basket will get wet, but it wont get full.
What I find most Ironic about this past October 1st is that Peter Obi and President Muhammadu Buhari both spoke on Independence Day yet we cannot remember what President Buhari said and cannot forget what Peter Obi said. Days after, the Nigerian media has moved on from President Buhari's speech and is still digesting and re digesting the powerful points that Peter Obi gave WITHOUT READING FROM A SPEECH!!
President Buhari read from a prepared speech yet made little impact. Peter Obi spoke from his heart and made lasting impact on Nigerians! How can you, a sitting President, give a prepared speech, yet what the nation you govern is discussing is an unprepared speech by an ex Governor? Does that not show the degree of relevance you have in your own country?
And I began to ask myself, when will we get leaders like Peter Obi and Ben Murray-Bruce. People who know our problems and profer solutions?
Why are we as a people so 'blessed' with people who think there is virtue in knowing how to blame others for things that they should be responsible for?
I listened to the President's Independence Day speech and there was no clear cut plan to inspire Nigerians that our leader knows how to pilot us out of the recession.
I listened to Peter Obi's speech on the same day and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was a man who knew what to do to get Nigeria out of recession.
For a President who prides himself on personal integrity, President Buhari's speech was full of lies. I think it is better to plagiarize than to lie. If the President could fire the deputy director who allegedly plagiarized President Obama's speech for him, then he should consider sacking the man or men who wrote the pack of lies that was his Independence Day Broadcast.
Hear the President: "investors from all over the world are falling over themselves to come and do business in Nigeria."
Really Mr. President!
The sad thing is that three days before President Buhari made that unfortunate statement, the World Economic Forum had just released its 2016 Global Competitiveness Report and their verdict was that of the 138 nations ranked, Nigeria is the 127th worst nation in the world to do business!
Just weeks before the President's statement, Bloomberg had reported that there is a massive disinvestment of foreign investors from Nigeria!
I later found out that President Buhari had appointed a second Personal Assistant on Social Media to add to his four existing media aides bringing the number to five! Maybe they are the foreign investors that are 'falling over themselves' to invest in Nigeria!
But on a serous note, the exact amount of Foreign Portfolio Investment that existed in Nigeria in the second quarter of 2015 (Jonathan's era) was $2.81 billion. The exact amount that existed in the second quarter of 2016 (President Buhari's era) is $245.3 million.
Mr. President, your advisers have deceived you. The truth is that foreign investors are falling over themselves to get out of Nigeria!
No fewer than eight international airlines have left Nigeria. This was the headline of Bloomberg just six months ago 'Nigeria Promise Turns to Peril as Investors Head for the Exits'.
Many of those airlines which have chosen to remain in Nigeria have instead moved their office and staff to Ghana and only come to Nigeria to pick up passengers!
And yet our President looked us right in the camera and said "investors from all over the world are falling over themselves to come and do business in Nigeria."
No wonder we all forgot about your speech almost as soon as it was over! Who needs their intelligence insulted by such blatant lies?
Peter Obi and President Buhari are a perfect example of Mind Power (Obi) and Might Power (President Buhari). Which power do you think Nigeria needs?
That is a question I will leave to your conscience!
Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri
By Pelumi Olugbenga.
An hour ago, I read through some comments posted on a social media platform. The comments revealed how some students were saddened by the potential mass failure in a departmental course and how their 'CGPAs' are on the verge of a possible decline. The feelings that came with this was very much nostalgic. It inspired me to review my four semesters in LASU; with a view to dissect the values that have been added to my life, and if a University Degree is really even worth the strive. The reflections of my sober moment are not far fetched. I will try to make this not too lengthy.
The Nigerian educational system has passed through some facets. With the Tertiary level, being the zenith of this Britannic model of education. Over the past decades, what has proved to be a subject of passion, zeal, desperation and extremism in Nigerian Universities is the CGPA. Upon admission into the University, the goal of every student is to graduate with a FIRST CLASS. Majority of such dreams, more often than not, dies in the second year into the University.
Obviously, the CGPA(Cumulative Gradient Point Average) massages ego, it inspires smile and induces tears. Why does a decimal point carries so much weight to an extent; people commit suicide for not making a targeted Gradient Point? The society has made us to believe albeit erroneously; that, not making a good CGPA means not making it in life. More worrisome is the fact that; there is this delusion among many undergraduates that a '5.0' CGPA will automatically earn you a wealthy life in the outside world. This is false and quite delusional! Although, it gives you a cushion, but there is far much more needed to navigate through the storm of the outside world.
Fundamentally, the Nigerian Educational System can be likened to a Zoo, where the Zookeeper in a quest to test which animal is the strongest, gathers the Antelope, Giraffe, Monkey,Lion and Tiger and declares thus : "whoever climbs the tree first is the strongest animal in the Zoo". Surely, the monkey will win under such circumstances but the monkey is no match for the Lion or even the Tiger. Given this analogy, it therefore appears that in every society; where there is no equal level playing ground, any result produced from any contest is bound to be distorted as it lacks the fundamentals of a true competition. In this light, not everybody is made for the Nigerian University System. Some are better off as fashion models, musicians, technicians, photographers, craftsmen et all. These people and their ilk are meant to be in special skill acquisition and development centers and not in a place their talents doesn't belong to and thus, may never be maximized in such an environment. Admittedly, the basic knowledge and usage of English is a prerequisite to make headway in a British colonized country like ours. This can however be achieved outside the four walls of the University. English studies, etiquette and soft skills(which are not even taught in the University) should be incorporated into the syllabus of such centers. This is how it is done in the Western world.
Instinctively, there are three categories of students in Nigerian Universities. The first being the so called "book worms or scholars". The second being the "average or normal students" and the third category being a conglomeration of misled elements, who surely have no business in a sane University Environment. After taking a deeper observation, I pointed out other group within these categories. Time won't permit me to digress that much but these observations will be integrated into the analysis of the larger groups.
Using the overemphasized CGPA as a yardstick, the first category, to be frank, are predominantly students whose cgpa falls between 4.4 to 5.0(on a scale of 5.0). These are the revered 'geniuses' on our campuses. They are the 'living and moving books', as the society has taught us to believe. However, there is something paradoxical about this category of people. Many of them are aided by the way the system is structured and their academic success is not necessarily a product of invincibility. The system has made little room for innovations but it has rather strongly maintained a high level of conservatism. The system also encourages cramming. Hence, a student who crams a lecture note and gives it back to the Lecturer; verbatim in the exam is more likely to have a distinction than a student who made an indepth research or even have a better in depth knowledge of the course. There are empirical facts to back this up. The reason being that, most lecture notes images the sentiments of a Professor about a concept or topic. Once a student toes the same path in answering his examination question, he will be on the same wavelength with the lecturer who would then key into his answers. Most times, when students go 'too deep' into a course by unraveling so many things that were not taught in class and flaunts such 'new knowledge' in his answer booklet, such students are most likely to get a C. The 'verbatim givers' are much more likely to have an A. Little wonder why some students can read a singular course material 10times before exam - the system rewards such approach, the verbatim givers, I choose to call them. I do not hold any grudge against the 'genuises', what I find quite bewildering about most of them is the tradition of studying the same set of materials from the beginning of the semester till the end all under the auspices of getting As. Why should I study a course material(which was probably used by the ancestors of my department) all through the semester? This is very crazy. A high CGPA without the initiative to solve societal problems is a WASTE. I once met a Frist Class student from the University of Ibadan who can recite all the theories of Karl Marx, John Locke, Aristotle, Plato, Voltaire and others. I was stunned and mesmerized by such enormous knowledge. However, when I challenged this great friend of mine to apply all his knowledge towards proffering a solution to a national crisis I posed before him, he stuttered. His initial eloquence that poured out the theories suddenly went into oblivion. Apparently on paper, he is a genius. But in practice(the most important aspect), he evidently appears to be impotent. If the materials you study doesn't propel you to 'think out of the box', my brother, shelve them and go on a journey of self discovery. I've seen so many 'scholars' who starts a sentence with "Am", who does not even know when to use "Have and I've". Some can't even properly spell the basic things related to their course and you begin to wonder how they attained such Cumulative Gradient Point. Truly, no man is an island and everyday, to me, is a new day to learn new things. However, when you dedicate all your time on pursuing a singular goal, you are very much unlikely to learn anything new in life, other than the materials, you've confined your brain to. The University is not a place to pursue a singular goal. It shouldn't be a one-way traffic where all you pursue is "GP, GP, GP, GP! ". The outside world will demand far much more than that 'decimal point' you hold high like an oxygen. Self development they say is the key to greatness. The greatest and richest men in the world barely graduated with a high CGPA. In fact, they even dropped out of the University. I'm talking about the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. What makes them great was their ability to identify a societal problem, think about a possible solution, expand great possibilities and here they are today. Problem solvers mostly ends up being the greatest acheivers. Are you investing in yourself? How well do you spend your time? Do you spend all your day clinging to your books? My brother, you are not an undergraduate if all you do is to romance those books - 24/7. Being an undergraduate is an opportunity to explore other possibilities apart from your academics, it is a time to learn new things, discover your ever changing world, meet new people, network and if possible, learn new skills. How often do you learn new things? By new things, I do not mean the next topic on your course outline. No. I'm very much far from that. Rather by new things, I mean : the needed soft skills, continuous improvement of your communication and public speaking skills, understanding your ever changing world and how you intend to navigate through the stormy way to your career.
The world is changing. The society now demands much more than CGPAs and similarly, academic brilliance is not just enough. We are in a century Professor Lanre Fagbohun described as a "century that abhors excusiologists but instead promotes the deep thinkers - problem solvers. According to him, it is a century of CLASH OF IDEAS".
The thing is, in the labour market, there are thousands of four-point(4point) graduates. In fact, majority of Covenant University graduates made either a First Class or a 2'1. What will distinguish you from the crowd won't be your result but rather your ability to understand, analyze and proffer intelligent solutions to problems. A good result surely gives you an edge, but it's not just enough. Personally, my best moments as an undergraduate have proven to be a product of self development and deep thinking, with little or no attachment to the decimal point on my DPU profile. The only attachment it appears to have is the fact that I've never allowed it to be on warning/withdrawn. Thus, maintaining my studentship in LASU. Surely, I do not celebrate mediocrity. In fact, as an undergraduate, who knows the reasons for being in the University, your CGPA - no matter how political, religious or busy you are, should NEVER fall below 3.4 or at worst, 3.0! Anything short of that is most likely a lack of seriousness and misplaced priorities. Although, I also do not particularly blame the people that are even below 2.0. The reason being that : many of the students in the University have no business in the University in the first place. Many would have been better productive as photographers, event planners, musicians, technicians etc after leaving various skill acquisition or training centers (as I mentioned earlier). Some are even born business men and women. Meanwhile, even majority of the ones that have the traits of a typical undergraduate are studying courses they never dreamt of studying. Hence, the whole system is distorted. There is no equal level playing ground. Apparently, there is a need for a rejig and review of the nation's curriculum.
Notably, high CGPAs boosts chances of gaining scholarships and Postgraduate admission into the likes of Harvard and Oxford University. It must however be also pointed out that self development, extra curricular activities, politics(student leadership) also plays pivotal roles in gaining admission into the ivory league Universities as well. Oxford University for instance, doesn't admit based on high CGPA alone. A check on their website shows. Likewise testimonies from their graduates. In fact, they highly rate potential post-graduate students who involved actively in extracurricular activities, student leadership and those who also participated in various competitions while they were undergraduates. It is never a one way traffic.
Consequent on the foregoing, I hold no intention to hurt the feelings of anybody. Rather, I intend to awaken the consciousness of my readers to their ever changing world. The world keeps transcending and it's really disturbing when I see many people pursue a singular goal as undergraduates. More stinging; is the reality that your stay in the University is also very short. Shockingly, some live it as if life ends in the University. The 4 - 5 years is nothing. Before you know it, you are already out of the system - facing the shock of the outside world. Most Importantly, I do not intend to portray myself as an invincible or immortal human. I make mistakes and fail virtually everyday. But, I learn from every moment of my life. The primary goal of this article is to bring to the fore : the little experience I've had and what I've also learnt from other people. Having a massive CGPA is good, it gives you an edge to some extent. However, it is never a free meal ticket in the outside world. Finally, graduating with a First Class is great, but going through the rigors of self development,deep thinking and networking makes you a quintessential graduate.
Best wishes...
Pelumi Olugbenga(popularly known as Ambode of LASU) is an undergraduate at the Lagos State University where he studies History and International Studies. He is a writer and a sapiosexual.
Contact : 08160156636.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
MUST READ : Shocking confession by Musa Abdullah on Biafra and Niger delta.
Good Evening Biafrans,
My name is Musa Abdullah from Kano state. I studied at Lagos state University and presently working with Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil.
Due to my education, I have been enlightened as to the happenings in Nigeria. We in the North voted for Buhari because he is our brother.
We wanted power to return to the North. We knew he cannot fix anything in Nigeria. In our mosques, they always taught us to make sure we remove that infidel call Jonathan.
We were meant to hate Jonathan with our spirit, soul and body. Infact, Igbos living in the North were very very lucky. They escaped death by the whiskers through the victory of Baba.
Had Baba lost, my brothers where already on standby waiting for instructions to lynch any pig from the South.
I was personally in the situation room as things unfold. I felt for the Igbos then. I really pitied them. I knew that my brothers in the North had been brain washed but I dare not speak.
I sighed in relief when Baba was declared the winner and my brothers where told to relax, that they should go to the streets and celebrate.
That was how the bloodshed was averted to the glory of Allah. I knew something was really wrong with my brothers.
Kano gave Buhari the highest vote. It was massively rigged in his favour. That was why the INEC officer in charge of Kano was burnt alive with his family after the election to cover up the rigging. I wept for my people.
Now what are we seeing? Baba has abandoned us. My brothers in the North are dying every day of hunger. Prices of things are so high, we can't even eat three square meal a day.
My Northern Elders are not worried. They are only after power remaining in the North. Not only that, my concern now is what is about to come. They have already planned on how to deal with the Niger Deltans.
Of course you are aware that all the military personnel and weapons have been deployed in Niger Delta.
They are planning to use the Leaders of MEND to penetrate the creeks. Their only fear now is that IRAN and Russia are behind the Niger Delta Avengers.
They have also contacted Jonathan trying to make him sign an agreement that will further enslave the Niger Deltans but Jonathan refused. So Baba is very angry with Jona and will do everything possible to silence the Niger Delta Avengers.
As am typing now, Niger Delta has been rounded up militarily. Magnus Abe, Rotimi Amaechi, APC chairman and the leaders of MEND are in the master plan.
As for Biafrans, you people are very lucky. Buhari and my Northern Elders knew that Nnamdi Kanu has already created the awareness for you people.
So they are planning now to cut South South out of Biafra so that only the five Eastern states can go with their Biafra. Nnamdi Kanu will soon be released but they want to perfect the exclusion of South South from your Biafra.
*We know that one Nigeria is just because of Oil.* Wallahi, had it been we were the ones with the oil, Nigeria would have divided since.
Please let your brothers not protest again because Baba will kill again. Nnamdi Kanu's release is very soon but they are just making sure Niger Delta is cut off from your proposed Biafra.
You people should not think that there will be anything like 2019 election, Baba will use Biafra issue as an excuse to postpone the election.
South East has already been declared as Biafra, so don't expect any federal government project in your region. You have been written off already.
My advice is that you should continue to create awareness both nationally and internationally. Don't relent even though Biafra is very close.
[9/14, 18:20] Pst Grace 3: As it stands today, the Islamic religion is the fastest
growing religion per capita in the United States, especially amongst the minority races!!
Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session, there was presentations by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim who each explained their beliefs.
I was particularly interested in what the Islamic had to say. So, the Muslim gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers.
When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim and asked:
'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the
infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'
There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation,
he replied, 'Non-believers!'
I then responded. So, let me make sure I have this straight ie. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?'
The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 'He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'
I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine the Pope can command all Catholics to kill those of your faith or in addition, Dr Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'
The Muslim was speechless!
I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your
brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me!
Let me ask you a question:
Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to
heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me too?'
You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.
Needless to say, the organizers or promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with my way of dealing with the Islamic Imam, and exposing the naked truth about the evil in Muslims' beliefs.
Therefore, the way things are going now in the next 10 years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the President!
Enough Muslim voters in the UK to vote in the Prime Minister. In fact, by 2019 when Boko Haram had finished their depopulation of Christians in Nigeria, there may be no Christian candidates to stand for elective post in the next 5 years.
Think about your children's world. I think everyone in the WORLD!!! should be required to read this, but with the careless attitude of most believers, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it to relations and friends! This is your chance to make a difference...
Please, for Christ's sake, pass it on, thank you.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
How To Identify A Bride's Age On Her Wedding Day
It's very easy to know the age of a woman on her traditional wedding day... And i will tell you how to do just that without asking her.
At the age of 18-21 years of age, There will be no dancing. Rather, the bride and her mother will be hugging each other and crying because she would miss her baby girl.
22-25 years: Only the bride will be dancing while the mother will sit and watch with wet eyes and forced back tears because her daughter is all grown up and ready to face the life of marriage.
26-30 years: Both mother and daughter will be dancing with all their might and strength in joy that the daughter has gotten a man at the right age time frame.
31-35 years: Daughter, mother and father will be trying to outdo each other on the dancing arena cos chai it is better late than never.
For 36 years and above: The father o, mother o, brothers o, sisters o, and the entire extended family will take over the dancing arena because they almost lost all hopes she would find a man in her life.
Abi i lie?
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Saturday, October 3, 2015
MUST READ :How powerful sex is
If you knew how powerful sex was you wouldn't have it with just anybody. During sex there's two different exchanges that take place: a physical and spiritual. Most grown adults are aware of the physical exchange. But the second is the spiritual which most people don't know about. When you have sex with someone, you exchange/ obtain whatever spirit(s) they have as well. You take on their qualities , behaviors, ideology Etc GOOD OR BAD & become a part of you. Sex was
Sunday, September 20, 2015
MUST READ :What Your Nails Says About Your Health
Your nails is not just a part of your body, it is a significant part that gives you subtle sign about your health and body in general. The nails is not just for beautification, read along and know what happens when your nails start telling you things about your health.
1. Yellow Nails
As the name suggests, it means you have a yellowish nail. The main reason why you have a yellow tinge on your nails is because of a fungal infection. As the case worsens, the nails may thicken and crumble.
In rare conditions, yellow nails can indicate more severe and serious conditions such as thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes or psoriasis.
Have you ever wondered why in most cases, girlfriends and mistresses of some men tend to be more beautiful than their wives?
In a study, led by Anthony Little from the University of Stirling and Benedict Jones from the University of Glasgow, it shows that men looking for a quick fling prefer women with more “feminine” facial features.
Most men see beautiful women especially if they lack nice personalities as being only useful as girlfriends or mistresses and not as wives. Yes, men do worship beautiful women but they never marry them.
From having to deal with hate from fellow females who they feel are not as beautiful as they are, to fighting against insecure men, gorgeous women seem to have all the odds stacked against them.
Here are 5 reasons men date but never marry beautiful women:
1. Most men generally fear them. The only men who have courage to hit on them are players. Unfortunately, they only use and dump
Saturday, September 19, 2015
MUST READ :Tips To Prolong Your Android Battery Life
Android phones are the most populous phones in circulation which could be sectioned into high end phones, budget phones and low end phones. No matter the grade of the phone, everybody’s aim is to prolong their battery life on a single charge.
The following are Tips To Prolong Your Android Battery Life
1. Don’t Use Auto-brightness
As convenient as this sounds, it is usually way brighter than you really need. Manually set your screen brightness and adjust when necessary. It tops this list because your screen is the biggest battery sucker.
2. Use a dark colored background
If your phone has an AMOLED screen (most Samsung’s), endeavor to use a dark color for your background because an AMOLED screen only illuminate colored pixels whereas black pixels doesn’t illuminate and they are unlit. The darker the background, the darker the pixels and the less energy required to illuminate them.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
MUST READ :Mermaids Are Real, Sir Victor Uwaifo Narrates How He Met One
Nigeria's guitarist and living legend in music, Sir Victor Uwaifo confirmed that he actually saw and met with a female marine spirit popularly called “Mammy Water” among Africans, even though others still believe that the mermaid is a myth.
The following is the confession of Sir Victor Uwaifo on how he met a mermaid at the Bar Beach of the Atlantic Ocean on Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Excerpt from the interview below…….
MUST READ : The Article Every Nigerian From The South NEEDS To READ (CLICK)
By Bayo Adeyinka
I am writing this post with a lot of caution and trepidation. I have never subscribed to ethnic chauvinism and I actually detest being labelled as a tribal bigot. I am usually very careful because I have friends and colleagues from every part of the nation and some of my best friends are not even from my side of the country.
However, recent events are making me to have a deeper reflection and I wish we- Southerners in this instance- can have some kind of introspection. Out of 25 appointments made so far, 18 are from the North, 3 are from the South West, 4 are from the South South while the South East has ZERO appointments. A tweet which I saw today stated that “southerners are only competent when it’s time for elections but northerners are competent in terms of governance” and this made the following thoughts run through my mind:
1. Only Southerners have been accusing fellow Southerners of corruption. Oshiomole has been attacking Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as if Ngozi turned down his marriage proposal. The same Oshiomole tried to make nonsense of Akinwumi Adeshina’s successes in the agriculture sector. Ambode tried to pull Fashola down and successfully smeared him with stains. Maybe that’s why Fashola did not get the Chief of Staff role. I’m yet to see a Northerner accuse another Northerner of corruption, even when they belong to different parties. The closest a Northerner got was when the new Kano State Governor attacked Rabiu Kwankaso but he quickly sheathed his sword and even disowned previous reports of attacks. Why are we like this?
Friday, September 4, 2015
MUST READ: ICPC to Start Arresting Nigerians for Slander on Social Media
The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission is set to crack down on social media propagandists, the Nation reports.
On-line media practitioners and users of the social media platforms would now be on the radar of the commission for checks against malicious petitions and mudslinging, the Chairman of ICPC Barrister Ekpo Nta has said.
INTOLERANCE: President Buhari Orders Closure Of Aso Rock Villa Church (DETAILS)
Monday, August 31, 2015
MUST READ:How to remove a virus from Android Device
Android devices do have virus. But in most cases the device is just misbehaving. You can restart your device to clear most errors. But if you are sure your device has virus this is a simple way to remove it.
Step 1. Put your phone or tablet into Safe mode. This prevents any third-party apps running, including any malware. On many devices you can press the power button to access the power off options, then press and hold Power off to bring up an option to restart in Safe mode. If this doesn’t work for your device then you should Google ‘How to put [your model name] into Safe mode’ and follow the instructions. When in Safe mode you’ll see ‘Safe mode’ at the bottom left of the screen.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015
PHOTOS: See What Was Done To Money In This Nigerian Wedding
It was an episode of ‘Dollar rain’ on the 27th of June, 2015 in Austria when two Nigerians from Benin wedded.
The new couple, Ambassador Uwadiae Osawaru, who is the President of the Dons Club of Europe and his wife Maureen had a ‘money-themed’ wedding. The dance floor was filled with money to the point that it was broom that was used to pack all the money together.
The Ambassador’s club members also made sure that the theme of the wedding was simply all about money as and they turned to the dance floor to rain the couple with racks upon racks upon racks of money.
Here are photos from the too much money splashing event: